Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Gianna Jessen

Two posts in one day...bonus!

Last night, a friend of mine told me about this woman, Gianna Jessen. She is an abortion survivor. Yup, you read that right...not that she was having an abortion and survived complications...she herself was aborted...but survived. Looked her up on youtube... Her story is gripping...maybe controversial for some. Miraculous, nonetheless.


The video is about 10 minutes long, but truly worth watching.

Thoughts? Comments?


  1. Gosh, i love that woman and all that she does. She puts a face and consequence to abortion.

  2. wow that was a chilling account, but so moving and inspirational that she lives and stands proudly for the Lord!

  3. Dude, I'm checking this blog to see if you're ever going to blog about our visit! LOL!

    Miss you, please come to KS ANYTIME!

  4. LOL i keep meaning to, diana! after i finish all my papers...i will! i promise!! :)
