Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Gas Prices

Seems to be a hot topic these days. Well, I hate to rub it in your faces, but that's another one of the perks of living in Tulsa, OK! Our gases prices are some of the lowest in the nation: http://gasbuddy.com/gb_gastemperaturemap.aspx. The dark-ish green area in north-east OK is Tulsa. Our gas prices have gone up a bit, too, of course, but I would sure hate to be back in Cali right now, esp. doing as much driving as I was while I was there!

By the way... I've been seeing commercials for tourism in Cali more often these days: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExuuFNFdd0k. Looks like our home state is needing the revenue!

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