Saturday, February 26, 2011


Here are a few pictures from the snow storms a few weeks ago...

The view from our apartment:
This wasn't my car, but all the cars in our lot basically looked like this:
Terry parked at Wal-Mart all week and walked home cuz our parking lot was impossible to get in and out of!
The funniest part about the whole thing was that the people in Tulsa seriously thought it was the end of the world! Here's a picture of the shelves at Wal-Mart:

Well, we got through two weeks without bananas and potatoes. :) We can officially say that we survived "Snow-pocalypse!"

The snow storms were followed by a week of 70-degree weather, but this week we've been reminded that it's still winter. Chilly temperatures...but still doing oKAY in OK. :)


  1. Same situation in DC last year! Grocery stores were out of stock on everything, including water. The city shut down for a week! This year, winter hasn't been so bad but I'm definitely ready for better weather. Glad that you are blogging more ;)

  2. Your apartment complex is pretty!!!! I've been up to date on the snow storm from my friends Lori and Joseph who are also in Tulsa. Crazy how the shelves were empty Wal-Mart! It actually snowed a little up here in San Francisco. Not cold enough for it to stick, but it fell :) Update more please!
